In the Pastorals, ‘hospitality’ is a key qualification for pastoral office: Paul tells Timothy (1 Tim 3.2) that a ‘bishop’
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Let’s Mark Lent
The English word ‘Lent’ means ‘Spring’. But Lent is not primarily a spring festival, but rather a pre-Easter period of
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This week I came across two American studies on inviting people to church According to the first study: Three out
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“I was a stranger and you welcomed me” (Matt 25.35). These words of Jesus found in the Parable of the
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“There is no sound so sweet as the sound of one’s own name”, said William Shakespeare. And he’s right. People
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I hate being unwell – it is just such a waste of time! My last bout of wrestling with a
Continue readingBelief in God
Here in the UK fewer and fewer people seem to believe in God. According to the 2011 British Social Attitudes
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According to an article in The Sunday Times, asked what they would do if they won £101 million on the
Continue readingImpressive Churches
I was staggered. There in the ‘Situations Vacant’ column was an advertisement for an organist: ‘Organist required for an impressive
Continue readingChange is the Law of Life
Whatever else the New Year holds, it will mean change. “Change”, said John F. Kennedy, “is the law of life.
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