Organisations – religious and secular – seem to be increasingly in the business of rebranding. Just in the last month
Continue readingAuthor: Paul Beasley-Murray
Can children worship God?
Many churches assume that children are not really able to worship God. So when we want to involve children in
Continue readingA Baptismal Charge
A sermon on 1 Timothy 6:11-12. Available to download as a PDF.
Continue readingNailing one’s colours to the mast
Over the years I have often referred to baptism as the occasion when we nail our colours to the mast.
Continue readingA Church Passionate for Others
A sermon on Romans 1:16. Available to download as a PDF.
Continue readingCreating ordination and commissioning prayers
Ordination prayers Over the years I have had the privilege of ordaining a good number of men and women into
Continue readingSaying Grace
Normally when I say grace before a meal at home, I am short and to the point: “Thank you Lord
Continue readingChristian endings to a letter
What’s the best way of ending a letter to a Christian friend? I confess that my standard greeting is the
Continue readingLet’s be grateful
Paul was the ultimate grateful person. No one within the pages of the New Testament was more grateful than Paul.
Continue readingPromoting well-being in ministry
Ministry can be an incredibly lonely experience. Unlike other professionals, for the most part ministers do not work together in
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