Books for Today (April 2024)

Sadly since January I have had very few books to review.  Nonetheless there are two which I wish to share:

On the way to work: A Christian approach to thinking differently about success and fulfilment (BRF Abingdon, 2024. 290pp: £212.99) by Chris Gillies, who is the treasurer of the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity, is intended for all those who are at work, to help them live out their faith Mondays to Fridays. Divided into three parts, the first section is entitled ‘From a garden to a city’; the second looks at some of the Old Testament heroes and goes on to reflect on Jesus and how Christians today have sought to implement the teaching of Jesus in the workplace; while the third section deals with some is very down-to-earth issues such as how hard we should we work along with money matters. At the end of each chapter there’s a summary of the key principles. This is a good book for ministers to commend to their people.

I greatly enjoyed Being A Preacher: Reflections and Practical Advice on Speaking to be Heard (Darton, Longman and Todd, London 2024: 208pp: £12.29) by Lucy Berry, a performance poet and ordained Anglican minister, who has been ‘poet in residence’ for Radio 2’s Jeremy Vine show and has also worked in Hollway Prison. As an Evangelical, albeit of the ‘open’ variety, my understanding of Scripture is a little more conservative than the author. Nonetheless this is a wonderful book to be read and pondered by all preachers. Lucy has a great way with words. Her advice is full of common sense. It should be required reading for ministers in training – and also those who have been in ministry for a number of years.

Finally, I trust my readers will not have missed last week’s review of my latest book, Here is Love: Preaching at Weddings. I have been encouraged by the positive response of so many.

One comment

  1. Thank you, so maybe your new publication is why our paths have not crossed online over the last few months. Bendithion.

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